azalee dolls

Dreams, captured and casted in porcelain. Learn how porcelain ball-jointed dolls are made. Be there when your own dream takes shape.

The Bumblebee Warrior

This doll is something special, since it is the first Elf I made and it is a whole set, together with the Bumblebee.

The riding animal was needle felted and the legs where made of some kind of airdrying clay.

The Elf is removable and can stand on her own.

Also all the asscesories, like the bow and arrow quive, wather bottle, saddle and so on, are removable.

As usual, the doll was made from finest doll porcelain, painted with china paint and fired several times until the depth of the paint was reached.

The Viking

Einar the fearless viking.
He is one of the first four men I did. Made from finest doll porcelain, with the double ball joints that allows a huge range of motions, the big tattoo on his chest and right arm, his muscular body, and his unique wild beard, he is just a feast for the eyes.
He is slightly taller than my female dolls and he has also 20 points of articulation.