azalee dolls

Dreams, captured and casted in porcelain. Learn how porcelain ball-jointed dolls are made. Be there when your own dream takes shape.

My Entries for the Dollfestival in London Sept. 2023

This September, I had the opportunity to take place at the DAG/ GDA Iternational Doll Festival in Blackheath London.

Since I entred the competition  there and worked on the project for the Master of Dolmaking Title, I was preparing almost the whole year for this event.

It was clearly a sucessful weekend then. Almost all of my entries where awarded with gold.

The great Showdown

This Fantasy-Themed Tableau was by far the most complex project this year. Only the needlefelted centipede took me more than 4 months to finish. Also the two dolls where extraordinary painted and sculpted. The Wolpertinger was a project I could make in a special workshop in France.

The Viking

Like last year in Prague, I made another Viking Warrior. This time, he won gold  in his category.

Urban Teenie-Girl

This doll is larger than the dolls I usually make. And what can I say: I have the best  example for this  doll  living here at home with me.